Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nora is 3 weeks today!

Today Nora is 3 weeks old. This would make her 37 weeks. If I would have had here today, she would have been considered full term.

I have been asking around and I am pretty sure we can go home next week. As I suspected, it sounds like most babies get out of here at 38 weeks if all they have to do is learn to feed even if they still have a feeding tube - as long as the parents are competent. I think we meet the competency criteria, so I think we will be going home next week no matter what her progress is.

She did great progress yesterday though, so maybe the tube will be gone sooner than we think. She drank 90% . So, today she is up to 6 bottles per day. She has had one feeding so far today at 66%. Her progress so far has been pretty up and down though, so although the trend is up overall - I am not sure that she can graduate from their whole program in 1 week. If she has perfect performance, she would have 6 bottles today, 7 tomorrow, 8 on Friday, Ad lib feeding on Saturday and Sunday. She would be home on Sunday or Monday. 38 weeks hits on next Wednesday, so that gives her 2 days of leeway to get released without the tube. But - as we know - this baby has her own path for everything that doesn't really follow the plan, so we will just have to go with the flow.

Andy and I plan to come to the hospital tonight for New Years Eve. When the clock stikes 12 we will be here for her midnight feeding. Counting down the milliliters....


  1. Happy New Year Nora, Amy and Andy.

  2. Good to hear the progress!

    Welcome to 2009 Nora.

