Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Florida Trip Recap

We are home safe from our trip to Florida. Nora behaved well on the airplane ride there and back. On the way there, she was awake most of the time, but didn't fuss too much. On the way home it was just me and her, so I was glad she slept in her sling the entire time. We were lucky that for some strange reason Virgin Air just started a direct flight from Kalamazoo to Punta Gorda, Florida. It was a surprisingly full flight though, so I guess the demand must be there.

Here is a picture of her on the way down. Note the shamrock suit. It was St. Patricks Day!

We spent most days in Florida just hanging out with my parents at their rented condo in Naples. We went out for dinner a few times and Nora got some mileage out of her stroller which she enjoyed very much.

Grandma came home from the hospital during our visit after a fall last month. We were happy to have her home and Nora got to visit her at the hospital and after she got home. Here is Nora and her Great-Grandma and her Grandma!

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