Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day X -- Ok am not going to count the days in the title anymore.

So what happened today? Let me think. Well, I got here at 7 am. Andy stayed the night last night. He got here in the afternoon after her first "seizure" and didn't go home until this afternoon! Hopefully he is getting some sleep at home now since he is coming to relieve me at 11 pm.

When I got here, Nora was sleeping with Andy in the recliner. Not 30 minutes after I was here, her monitor went off alarming us that her oxygen was dipping. The nurses and doctors sprang into action and got her back into bed and gave her some oxygen. Pretty startling awakening for Andy! It was dark in the room and there was a lot of confusion so it is not really clear that it was a seizure.

Later in the morning she took a nap in my lap. She was scheduled to go down to the OR at 11 to have the CSF in her ventricle sampled. First though, we decided to draw some blood that we needed to test. After a few pokes and quite a bit of protesting, Nora decided she had enough and she started some sort of seizure - like activity again. Another bunch of people came in, got her settled and she fell asleep. Additionally, she started getting a rash as a result of her antibiotic - called Red Man Syndrome. We decided with the PICU doctor that she did not need to go to surgery today since she was having these issues. We postponed it until tomorrow.

That is the last excitement she had today - thankfully. The rest of the afternoon and evening so far she has been sleeping and eating without any drama. The neurologist says he doesn't think that the seizure are actually seizures. They have some characteristics of a seizure, but not all. He just called them "spells." How is that for modern medicine? I thought people had "spells" in old novels. Anyway, he thinks the "spells" are not harmful to her as long as she doesn't get deprived of oxygen - which she won't be in the hospital. He also thinks they will stop when the inflammation in her brain clears. She is taking anti-seizure medicine anyway - just in case.

More tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for your concern.

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