Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Fun

Nora is nearly 7 months now. She is doing really well and progressing in every area. She can roll now - sometimes/sometimes not. She is still looking like she could sit soon. I can balance her just right and she will stay upright for up to 30 seconds or so. She is HUNGRY! She likes to eat, which must be inherited from her parents. So far her favorites are bananas, sweet potatoes, and cereal. She reaches for toys MUCH more than just a month ago. She is interested in Buster and reaches out for him when he is nearby (which is always - he doesn't want to miss any action). She seems to have better coordination with her fingers too and her left arm - which was really held still by her side for a while there - seem to be getting into the action nearly as much as the right now.

She has started going to swimming lessons with me on Saturday mornings. She is the youngest in the class, but likes the water and watching the other kids. She was kicking in the water last time - although she tends to kick in the air too. She tends to keep her hands in her mouth while she swims - making any real swimming form pretty difficult!

Since I have updated last she has visited her opthamologist and audiologist - both with good reports and orders to come back in a year or so. Her eyes and ears seem structurally a-ok. I guess any concerns would be how her brain will process the inputs. "It will be interesting to see..." the opthamologist said. Whatever.

She is still going to PT, but really just working on normal baby development stuff (tummy time, trunk strengthening, reaching, sitting, etc.). She does have a tendency to arch her back and stiffen out her legs when she is being held or in a sitting position. It gives the appearance that she would like to stand. People seem to get a kick out of that. From what I read, this is a pretty typical behavior of children with CP.

This month is pretty low-key for her. She has a neurologist appointment this week, her usual PT sessions, and one visit from her teacher (they take a summer break - but come out just once in July). Hopefully she can get some outdoor playtime in. Andy bought her a little blow up house that gives her a shaded area to play in. She has been out there a few times to play and seems to enjoy it. I will have to post a picture of it soon, it is pretty funny.

Last Friday we had my dad's 60th birthday party at our house. Andy made ribs and we had a nice time. Nora got to meet some of her aunts and uncles for the first time - although not for very long since she seems to pretty strictly adhere to her bedtime of 7 pm. Here is a picture my Aunt Camilla took and sent to me. She gave Nora several cute books which she likes to read.

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